#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <cmath> using namespace std; void dump(const vector<int> v) { vector<int>::const_iterator iter; for( iter = v.begin(); iter != v.end();iter++ ) cout << *iter << ' '; cout << endl; } void merge(const vector<int>& arr1, const vector<int>& arr2, vector<int>& merged) { int i,j; i = j = 0; while( i < arr1.size() && j < arr2.size() ) { if( arr1.at(i) <= arr2.at(j) ) merged.push_back( arr1.at(i++) ); else merged.push_back( arr2.at(j++) ); } while( i < arr1.size() ) merged.push_back( arr1.at( i++ ) ); while( j < arr2.size() ) merged.push_back( arr2.at( j++ ) ); } int main() { vector<int> v1; vector<int> v2; vector<int> merged; v1.push_back(3); v1.push_back(5); v1.push_back(7); v2.push_back(1); v2.push_back(2); v2.push_back(3); v2.push_back(7); v2.push_back(9); merge(v1,v2,merged); dump(merged); }
金曜日, 7月 26, 2013
#include <iostream> #include <array> #include <cmath> using namespace std; #define ARRAY_SIZE 8 void init(array<int,ARRAY_SIZE>& a) { a[0] = 10; a[1] = 5; a[2] = 3; a[3] = 6; a[4] = 6; a[5] = 9; a[6] = 15; a[7] = 1; } void dump(array<int,ARRAY_SIZE>& a) { for( int i =0;i < a.size();i++ ) cout << a.at(i) << ' '; cout << endl; } void mergesort(array<int,ARRAY_SIZE>& arr) { int divider = 2; int compartment; int t; while( divider <= ARRAY_SIZE ) { compartment = ARRAY_SIZE / divider; for( int i = 0;i < compartment;i++ ) { for( int j = i * divider;j < divider;j++ ) { for( int k = j + 1;k < divider;k++ ) { if( arr[j] > arr[k] ) { t = arr[j]; arr[j] = arr[k]; arr[k] = t; } } } } divider *= 2; } } int main() { array<int,ARRAY_SIZE> arr; init(arr); dump(arr); mergesort(arr); dump(arr); }
10 5 3 6 6 9 15 1 1 3 5 6 6 9 10 15
木曜日, 7月 18, 2013
以下のコードはvector参照メンバ v をクラスにセットして,vにデータを積み込む単純なコードである.データ積み込みの前と後で番地の値を取得し,かつsize()を呼んでいる.
ちなみにg++は4.7.3, OSはFedora18. Visual Studioは2010, OSはWindows7 32bit.
以下のコードはvector参照メンバ v をクラスにセットして,vにデータを積み込む単純なコードである.データ積み込みの前と後で番地の値を取得し,かつsize()を呼んでいる.
ちなみにg++は4.7.3, OSはFedora18. Visual Studioは2010, OSはWindows7 32bit.
#include <vector> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class MyClass { private: vector<int>& v; public: MyClass(vector<int>& vParam) : v(vParam) {} const vector<int>& GetV() { return v;} void Init() { for(int i = 0;i < 10;i++ ) { v.push_back(i); } } void Expand() { for(int i = 0;i < 50000;i++ ) { v.push_back(i); } } int size() { return v.size(); } }; int main() { vector<int> v; v.resize(20); MyClass m(v); m.Init(); cout << &(m.GetV()) << m.size() << endl; m.Expand(); cout << &(m.GetV()) << m.size() << endl; }
0x22ac5430 0x22ac5450030
#include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <unistd.h> using namespace std; int main() { clock_t st = clock(); for( long l = 0;l < 100000000;l++ ); clock_t end = clock(); cout << st << ":" << end << endl; cout << "elapsed - " << (end - st) * 1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl; return 0; }
以下のアイデアはSafe C++で紹介されている.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class MyClass { private: int price; public: explicit MyClass(int priceParam) : price(priceParam) {} int CompareTo(const MyClass& a) const { if( price == a.price ) return 0; else if( price < a.price ) return -1; else return 1; } #define CMP(Class) \ bool operator < (const Class& that) const { return CompareTo(that) < 0; } \ bool operator > (const Class& that) const { return CompareTo(that) > 0; } \ bool operator == (const Class& that) const { return CompareTo(that) == 0; } \ bool operator <= (const Class& that) const { return CompareTo(that) <= 0; } \ bool operator >= (const Class& that) const { return CompareTo(that) >= 0; } \ bool operator != (const Class& that) const { return CompareTo(that) != 0; } CMP(MyClass); }; int main() { MyClass A(32),B(60),C(32); if( A == C ) cout << "A == C" << endl; if( B > A ) cout << "B > A." << endl; if( A < B ) cout << "A < B." << endl; if( A != B ) cout << "A != B." << endl; }
水曜日, 7月 17, 2013
#include <pthread.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <cstdio> void *run(void *p) { int t = *(static_cast<int*>(p)); printf("sleeping %d seconds..\n",t); sleep(t); // unit is msec pthread_exit(NULL); } int main() { pthread_t th; void* th_result; int duration = 2; pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr,PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE); pthread_create(&th,&attr,run,&duration); pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); pthread_join(th,&th_result); pthread_exit(NULL); }
#include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <pthread.h> #include <cstdlib> #include <unistd.h> using namespace std; class Account { private: long _balance; pthread_mutex_t mutex; public: explicit Account(long balance): _balance(balance) { pthread_mutex_init(&mutex,NULL); } virtual ~Account() { pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex);} void Deposit(long val); long Withdraw(long val); friend ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const Account& acct); }; inline ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const Account& acct) { os << acct._balance; return os; } typedef struct { Account* a; Account* b; } Accts; void Account::Deposit(long val) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); _balance += val; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); } long Account::Withdraw(long val) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); _balance -= val; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); return val; } void* PerformDrawer(void* param) { Accts* acct = static_cast<Accts*>(param); long l = 0; for( int i = 0;i < 50;i++ ) { cout << "[W" << i << "]:Draw money 300 from A and deposit the money into B.. " << endl; l = acct->a->Withdraw(300); acct->b->Deposit(l); cout << "current balances - A:" << *(acct->a) << ",B:" << *(acct->b) << endl; sleep(1); } } void* PerformDepositter(void* param) { Accts* acct = static_cast<Accts*>(param); for( int i = 0;i < 50;i++ ) { cout << "[D" << i << "]:Deposit money 500 into A.. " << endl; acct->a->Deposit(500); cout << "current balances - A:" << *(acct->a) << ",B:" << *(acct->b) << endl; sleep(1); } } void InitThreadAttr(pthread_attr_t* attr) { pthread_attr_init(attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(attr,PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE); } int main() { pthread_t depositter; pthread_t withdrawer; void *status_depositter; void *status_withdrawer; Account A(4000); Account B(2000); Accts accts; accts.a = &A; accts.b = &B; pthread_attr_t attr; InitThreadAttr(&attr); pthread_create(&depositter, &attr,PerformDepositter,(void *)&accts); pthread_create(&withdrawer, &attr,PerformDrawer,(void *)&accts); pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); pthread_join(depositter, &status_depositter); pthread_join(withdrawer, &status_withdrawer); cout << "A:" << A << endl; cout << "B:" << B << endl; pthread_exit(NULL); }実行結果は以下の通り
[D46]:Deposit money 500 into A.. current balances - A:13700,B:15800 [W46]:Draw money 300 from A and deposit the money into B.. current balances - A:13400,B:16100 [D47]:Deposit money 500 into A.. current balances - A:13900,B:16100 [W47]:Draw money 300 from A and deposit the money into B.. current balances - A:13600,B:16400 [D48]:Deposit money 500 into A.. current balances - A:14100,B:16400 [W48]:Draw money 300 from A and deposit the money into B.. current balances - A:13800,B:16700 [D49]:Deposit money 500 into A.. current balances - A:14300,B:16700 [W49]:Draw money 300 from A and deposit the money into B.. current balances - A:14000,B:17000 A:14000 B:17000
プチクイズ 6 - コンストラクタの例外
Q. 何故コンストラクタが例外を送出するのは良くないのか,理由を述べよ.
A. もしコンストラクタの処理最中で例外が送出された場合,デスクトラクタは呼ばれない.その結果メモリリークが発生する可能性がある.
ただし,safe C++ではスマートポインタを使って,更にデストラクタを空にしたならば,むしろコンストラクタから例外を投げることも悪くはないと述べている.
ただし,safe C++ではスマートポインタを使って,更にデストラクタを空にしたならば,むしろコンストラクタから例外を投げることも悪くはないと述べている.
土曜日, 7月 13, 2013
プチクイズ 4 - std::vectorの要素アクセス
Q. std::vectorのat()とオペレータ[]の違いを述べよ
A. オペレータ[]での要素アクセスのほうが早いがout_of_range例外を投げない.
A. オペレータ[]での要素アクセスのほうが早いがout_of_range例外を投げない.
月曜日, 7月 08, 2013
C++ - 自作クラスをcoutに<<オペレータで出力
自作のクラスを cout に<<オペレータで出力できると色々便利である.
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class MyClass { private: string name; public: MyClass(const string s): name(s){} friend ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const MyClass& obj); }; inline ostream& operator <<(ostream& os, const MyClass& obj) { os << obj.name; return os; } int main() { MyClass m("otter"); cout << "Dump myclass -- " << m << endl; return 0; }
UNIXコマンド One liner 5
過去に実行したg++を実行する ( !xxx ではなく.かなり意味なし )
touch temp;history|egrep -E '.*g\+\+ -o'|\ awk -e {'print $2,$3,$4,$5'}|tail -1 > ./temp;\ chmod 755 ./temp;./temp;rm ./temp
プチクイズ 3 - C++の列挙型
1つはplain vanilla enumを使用している点,2つは関数がEnum型ではなくintを引数の型としている点である.
enum { ELEM1, ELEM2 } ENUM_1; enum { SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT }; void ShowEnumVal(int e) { cout << e << endl; }
1つはplain vanilla enumを使用している点,2つは関数がEnum型ではなくintを引数の型としている点である.
typedef enum { ELEM1, ELEM2 } ENUM_1; typedef enum { SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT } DAY_OF_WEEK; void ShowEnum1Val( ENUM_1 e ) { cout << e << endl; }
日曜日, 7月 07, 2013
アルゴリズム問題を解く 12 - 最頻単語のリスト
You are reading a sequence of strings separated by white
space from a very large stream. You are allowed to read the stream twice.
Devise an algorithm that uses only O(k) memory to identify all the words
that occur more than [n/k] times in the stream, where n is the length of the stream.
( Algorithms for interviewsより引用)
今度は最頻出する複数の単語を調べる必要がある.しかも決められた O(k) メモリ しか利用できない.固定長のディクショナリがいいだろう.
ヒントで述べたとおり,固定長のディクショナリを使う.固定長ゆえ,閾値 k 以上のエントリが入ってきた場合は最も少ない出現数のエントリをスイープする.
You are reading a sequence of strings separated by white
space from a very large stream. You are allowed to read the stream twice.
Devise an algorithm that uses only O(k) memory to identify all the words
that occur more than [n/k] times in the stream, where n is the length of the stream.
( Algorithms for interviewsより引用)
今度は最頻出する複数の単語を調べる必要がある.しかも決められた O(k) メモリ しか利用できない.固定長のディクショナリがいいだろう.
ヒントで述べたとおり,固定長のディクショナリを使う.固定長ゆえ,閾値 k 以上のエントリが入ってきた場合は最も少ない出現数のエントリをスイープする.
void Sweep(map<string,int>* dict) { set<string> toRemove; map<string,int>::iterator iter; for( iter = dict->begin(); iter != dict->end();iter++ ) { iter->second--; if( !iter->second ) toRemove.insert(iter->first); } set<string>::iterator sIter; for( sIter = toRemove.begin(); sIter != toRemove.end(); sIter++ ) { if( dict->find(*sIter) != dict->end() ) dict->erase(*sIter); } } void GetPopularWords(const vector<string> v, map<string,int>* dict, int k) { cout << "GetPopularWords()" << endl; vector<string>::const_iterator iter; for( iter = v.begin(); iter != v.end();iter++ ) { if( dict->find(*iter) != dict->end() ) { if( dict->size() > k ) Sweep( dict ); else (*dict)[*iter] = (*dict)[*iter] + 1; } else (*dict)[*iter] = 1; } }
木曜日, 7月 04, 2013
アルゴリズム問題を解く 11 - 最頻単語の検索
You are reading a sequence of words from a very long
stream. You know a priori that more than half the words are repetitions of
a single word W but the positions where W occurs are unknown. Design
an efficient algorithm that reads this stream only once and uses only a
constant amount of memory to identify W.
( algorithms for interview より引用)
"A priori"を自分に有利なように解釈するのもテクニックのひとつ.
以上の前提に基づくと,W最初からストリームスナップショットの最後まで50%以上の確率で現れることになるので,ストリームの最初からある任意の位置Mまでサンプリングを行えばほぼ確実にWを推定できる.以下のコードのAssumeMajority()はより正確性を求め,ストリームスナップショット全体をサンプリングする - O(N).一方AssumeMajority2()は先頭から5番目の要素までサンプリングをする - O(5).
入力ファイル 中身
You are reading a sequence of words from a very long
stream. You know a priori that more than half the words are repetitions of
a single word W but the positions where W occurs are unknown. Design
an efficient algorithm that reads this stream only once and uses only a
constant amount of memory to identify W.
( algorithms for interview より引用)
"A priori"を自分に有利なように解釈するのもテクニックのひとつ.
- Wが最初から現れることもある
- Wがストリームスナップショットの半分以上を占める
以上の前提に基づくと,W最初からストリームスナップショットの最後まで50%以上の確率で現れることになるので,ストリームの最初からある任意の位置Mまでサンプリングを行えばほぼ確実にWを推定できる.以下のコードのAssumeMajority()はより正確性を求め,ストリームスナップショット全体をサンプリングする - O(N).一方AssumeMajority2()は先頭から5番目の要素までサンプリングをする - O(5).
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <cstring> #include <vector> using namespace std; static const string FILE_PATH = "C:\\tmp\\data\\rec.txt"; void ReadFile(string& buf, string path) { ifstream fin(path.c_str()); char ch; while( fin.good() ) { fin.get(ch); if( fin.good() ) buf += ch; } cout << "Data loaded from " << FILE_PATH << endl; } void tokenize(vector<string>& v,const string str) { char *pch; pch = strtok(const_cast<char*>(str.c_str())," "); while( pch != NULL ) { v.push_back( pch ); pch = strtok(NULL," "); } } string* AssumeMajority(const vector<string>& v) { cout << "@AssumeMajority()" << endl; int count = 0; vector<string>::const_iterator iter; string* cand = new string(); for(iter = v.begin(); iter != v.end();iter++) { if( !count ) { *cand = *iter; cout << "current candidate is " << *cand << endl; count = 1; } else if( *iter == *cand ) count++; else count--; } return cand; } string* AssumeMajority2(const vector<string> v) { cout << "@AssumeMajority2()" << endl; const int sampleMax = 5; int count = 0; string *cand = new string(); for(int i = 0;i < sampleMax;i++ ) { if( !count ) { *cand = v[i]; cout << "current candidate is " << *cand << endl; count = 1; } else if( v[i] == *cand ) count++; else count--; } return cand; } void dump(const vector<string>& v) { vector<string>::const_iterator iter; for(iter = v.begin(); iter != v.end();iter++) { cout << *iter << " "; } cout << endl; } int main() { string s; ReadFile(s,FILE_PATH); vector<string> v; tokenize(v,s); dump(v); string* pch = AssumeMajority(v); cout << "Majority would be .. " << *pch << endl; delete pch; pch = AssumeMajority2(v); cout << "Majority would be .. " << *pch << endl; delete pch; return 0; }
入力ファイル 中身
202 200 200 200 404 200 200 200 200 200 404 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 404 200
アルゴリズム問題を解く 10 - ハッシュで検索
Given an array A of integers, find an integer k that is not present in A.
Assume that the integers are 32-bit signed integers.
( Algorithms for Interviews より引用 )
Given an array A of integers, find an integer k that is not present in A.
Assume that the integers are 32-bit signed integers.
( Algorithms for Interviews より引用 )
#include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; static const int MAX = 100; void InitList(vector<int>& v) { v.push_back(32); v.push_back(55); v.push_back(11); v.push_back(42); v.push_back(98); v.push_back(51); v.push_back(80); v.push_back(6); } void BucketSort(vector<int>& dest, const vector<int>& src) { dest.resize(MAX); for( int i = 0;i < MAX;i++ ) dest[i] = false; for( vector<int>::const_iterator iter = src.begin();iter != src.end();iter++ ) { dest[*iter] = true; } } bool found(const vector<int> A, int k) { vector<int>::const_iterator iter; return A[k]; } int main() { vector<int> v; vector<int> sorted; InitList(v); BucketSort(sorted,v); cout << found(sorted,42) << endl; cout << found(sorted,44) << endl; return 0; }
水曜日, 7月 03, 2013
プチクイズ2 - コンポジションクラスの初期化
#include <iostream> #include <sstream> using namespace std; class InnerObject { private: int id; public: InnerObject(int paramId):id(paramId){ cout << "InnerObject init " << id << endl; } int GetId() { return id; } }; class MyClass { private: const char* str; int& r; InnerObject in; public: MyClass(const char* paramStr, int& paramR, InnerObject paramIn ): str(paramStr),r(paramR),in(paramIn) { cout << "MyClass init " << endl; } void dump(); }; void MyClass::dump() { ostringstream os; os << "str:" << str << " "; os << "r:" << r << " "; os << "In's Id:" << in.GetId() << endl; cout << os.str().c_str() << endl; } int main() { InnerObject in(20); string s("neko"); int r = 3; MyClass m("abc",r,in); m.dump(); return 0; }
Algorithm問題を解く 9 - 複数タグのマッチ判定
You are building a social networking site where each user specifies a set of attributes. You would like to pair each user with another unpaired user that specifies exactly the same set of attributes. Specifically, you are given a sequence of users where each user has a unique key, say a 32-bit integer and a set of attributes specified as a set of strings. As soon as you read a user, you should pair it with another previously read user with identical attributes who is currently unpaired, if such a user exists. If the user cannot be paired, you should keep him in the unpaired set.
(Algorithms for interviewsより引用)
You are building a social networking site where each user specifies a set of attributes. You would like to pair each user with another unpaired user that specifies exactly the same set of attributes. Specifically, you are given a sequence of users where each user has a unique key, say a 32-bit integer and a set of attributes specified as a set of strings. As soon as you read a user, you should pair it with another previously read user with identical attributes who is currently unpaired, if such a user exists. If the user cannot be paired, you should keep him in the unpaired set.
(Algorithms for interviewsより引用)
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <map> #include <list> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; class User { private: int id; list<std::string> attrs; list<int> matchedIds; const std::string GetFullTag(); public: User() {} User(int paramId,list<std::string>& paramAttr) : id(paramId),attrs(paramAttr) {}; virtual ~User() {}; bool match(User& user); }; const std::string User::GetFullTag() { string s = ""; attrs.sort(); list<std::string>::iterator iter; for(iter = attrs.begin();iter != attrs.end();iter++) { s.append( *iter ); } return s; } bool User::match(User& user) { if( std::find(matchedIds.begin(), matchedIds.end(), user.id) == matchedIds.end() ) { if( GetFullTag() == user.GetFullTag() ) { matchedIds.push_back(user.id); return true; } else return false; return false; } else { // already matching cout << "already in your list!!" << endl; return true; } return true; } int main() { list<string> my; my.push_back("C++"); my.push_back("Java"); User s( 10, my ); list<string> you; you.push_back("Java"); you.push_back("C++"); User u( 20, you ); cout << "you and me - " << s.match( u ) << endl; list<string> t; t.push_back("C++"); t.push_back("Java"); User th( 30, t ); cout << "someone and me - " << s.match( th ) << endl; list<string> b; b.push_back("Python"); b.push_back("Java"); User br( 40, b ); cout << "brother and me - " << s.match( br ) << endl; return 0; }
月曜日, 7月 01, 2013
プチクイズ1 .. JavaのUnsigned型
char. Byteでさえもsignedである.Javaの設計者はunsignedなんて必要ないと言い切った.正直あったらあったで便利だし,なくても全くなんとかなっているのが個人的な実情である.
char. Byteでさえもsignedである.Javaの設計者はunsignedなんて必要ないと言い切った.正直あったらあったで便利だし,なくても全くなんとかなっているのが個人的な実情である.
Algorithm問題を解く 8 - ハッシュ2
You are required to write a method that takes two text documents: an anonymous letter L and text from a magazine M. Your method is to return true if L can be written using M and false otherwise.
(if a letter appears k times in L, it must appear at least k times in M. )
(Algorithm for interviewsより引用)
You are required to write a method that takes two text documents: an anonymous letter L and text from a magazine M. Your method is to return true if L can be written using M and false otherwise.
(if a letter appears k times in L, it must appear at least k times in M. )
(Algorithm for interviewsより引用)
#include <string> #include <iostream> #include <map> using namespace std; class Dict { private: map<char,int> mD; void AddOrIncrement(char ch); public: Dict() {}; bool Analyze(string l,string m); }; void Dict::AddOrIncrement(char ch) { if( mD.find(ch) != mD.end() ) mD[ch]++; else mD[ch] = 1; } bool Dict::Analyze(string l, string m) { mD.clear(); for( unsigned int i = 0;i < m.size();i++ ) { AddOrIncrement(m.at(i)); } for( unsigned int i = 0;i < l.size();i++ ) { mD[l.at(i)]--; if( mD[l.at(i)] < 0 ) return false; } return true; } int main() { Dict d; cout << d.Analyze("wanco", "wanchan coco ni oide") << endl; cout << d.Analyze("nyanco", "wanchan coco ni oide") << endl; return 0; }
Algorithm問題を解く 7 - Hashキーで検索
Let A be a sorted array of integers and S a target integer.
Design an efficient algorithm for determining if there exist
a pair of indices i,j (not ncessarily distinct) such that A[i] + A[j] = S.
( Algorithms for interview より引用 )
sorted array .. 2分探索?2分探索でも勿論解ける.しかしバイナリサーチより効率の良いアルゴリズムは?
プログラムは長くなった割に得たものは少ない.ならばアプローチを変えよう. 目的の数Sからループ中の要素v[i]を引いてcを得る.そのcがハッシュテーブルにあれば(O(1)オーダで検索可),v[i]+v[j]=Sを満たすのである. プログラムは非常にすっきりするし,オーダもO(N)である.
Let A be a sorted array of integers and S a target integer.
Design an efficient algorithm for determining if there exist
a pair of indices i,j (not ncessarily distinct) such that A[i] + A[j] = S.
( Algorithms for interview より引用 )
sorted array .. 2分探索?2分探索でも勿論解ける.しかしバイナリサーチより効率の良いアルゴリズムは?
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <map> using namespace std; void init_vector(vector<int>& v) { v.push_back( 5 ); v.push_back( 8 ); v.push_back( 12 ); v.push_back( 20 ); v.push_back( 33 ); v.push_back( 45 ); v.push_back( 53 ); v.push_back( 64 ); v.push_back( 80 ); } int search_max(const vector<int>& v, int s) { int min = 0; int max = v.size() - 1; int mid; int midval; bool found = false; // pre .. if s is less than v[0], no way to find pair. if( s <= *(v.begin()) ) throw "not qualify pre-requisite"; while( min <= max ) { mid = (min + max) / 2; midval = v.at(mid); if( s == midval ) { found = true; break; } else if( s > midval) { min = mid + 1; } else { max = mid - 1; } } return found ? mid : max; } bool search(const vector<int>& v, int s) { int max; try { max = search_max(v,s); cout << "max for search:" << max << endl; }catch(const char* msg) { cerr << "errmsg:" << msg << endl; return false; } for( int i = 0;i < max;i++ ) { for( int j = i;j < max;j++ ) { if( v[i] + v[j] == s ) return true; } } return false; } void dump(const vector<int>& v) { for( vector<int>::const_iterator iter = v.begin();iter != v.end();iter++ ) { cout << *iter << endl; } } int main() { vector<int> v; init_vector(v); dump(v); try { cout << search(v,3) << endl; } catch( const char* err) { cerr << err << endl; } cout << search(v,55) << endl; cout << search(v,53) << endl; return 0; }
プログラムは長くなった割に得たものは少ない.ならばアプローチを変えよう. 目的の数Sからループ中の要素v[i]を引いてcを得る.そのcがハッシュテーブルにあれば(O(1)オーダで検索可),v[i]+v[j]=Sを満たすのである. プログラムは非常にすっきりするし,オーダもO(N)である.
bool search2(const vector<int>& v, int s ) { map<int,int> m; vector<int>::const_iterator iter; int c; int i; for(i = 0,iter = v.begin();iter != v.end();iter++,i++) { c = s - v[i]; m[v[i]] = i; if( m.find( c ) != m.end() ) return true; } return false; }
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