object Matcher { def main(args:Array[String]):Unit = { val nekoz = genCats() nekoz.foreach{ x => x match { case MyCat(a,b) if a > 5 => println("Adult neko.") case _ => println("..") } } nekoz match { case l @ List(MyCat(8, _), _*) => println(s"okay, starting with 8 year old cat - $l") case _ => println("..") } } def genCats() = { MyCat(8, "Tora") :: MyCat(4, "Mikeyo") :: List() } } case class MyCat(age:Int, name:String)
木曜日, 12月 31, 2015
Scala - Sequenceマッチ
水曜日, 12月 30, 2015
Scala - ワードカウント
val x = """kiji,saru,saru#saru,inu,kiji,saru#inu,kiji,kiji#kiji#inu,inu#saru""" val v = x.split("#").flatMap(_.split(",")).map(s => (s,1)) val z = v.foldLeft(Map[String,Int]())((accm, elem) => { if(accm.contains(elem._1)) accm.updated(elem._1, elem._2 + accm(elem._1)) else accm + elem })
火曜日, 12月 29, 2015
scala - ディレクトリのファイル操作
import java.io.File import java.time.{LocalDateTime, ZoneId} import java.util.Date import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils /** * Created by neko32 on 2015/12/28. */ class FileDateChanger(preProcessDir:String, postProcessDir:String) { implicit def dateToLDate(d:Date):LocalDateTime = { d.toInstant().atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toLocalDateTime() } def process(): Unit = { clean() val files = new File(preProcessDir).listFiles().filter(f => dateToLDate(new Date(f.lastModified())).getYear() == 2007) val totalNum = files.size var at = 0 println(s"Total number of files - ${totalNum}") files.foreach { f => var dat = new Date(f.lastModified()) var f2 = new File(postProcessDir + "\\" + f.getName()) println(s"processing .. ${f.getName()}[${new Date(f.lastModified())}]") FileUtils.copyFile(f, f2) f2.setLastModified(dat.plusYears(8).atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant().toEpochMilli) println(s"to ${new Date(f2.lastModified())}") if(at % 10 == 0) println(s"processed ${at}") at += 1 } println(s"done. # of processed files [${at}]") } private def clean(): Unit = { println(s"cleaning ${postProcessDir}") new File(postProcessDir).listFiles().foreach(_.delete()) println("cleaning done.") } } object Runner { def main(args:Array[String]) = { val pre = "C:\\tmp\\pre_process" val post = "C:\\tmp\\post_process" new FileDateChanger(pre, post).process() } }
日曜日, 12月 27, 2015
Scala - 乱数生成プロバイダを用いるstream
val r = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()) def rand(max:Int):Stream[Int] = Stream.cons(r.nextInt(max), rand(max)) rand(100) take 10 foreach println // assign index starting from 1. zipWithIndex()'s index starts from 0 rand(50) take 5 zip(Stream from 1) foreach println
金曜日, 12月 25, 2015
Scala - Enumeration
object Weekdays extends Enumeration { type WEEKDAY = Value val MON, TUE, WED = Value } object MyMain { def isMonday(w:Weekdays.Value) = { w == Weekdays.MON } def main(args:Array[String]) = { val w = Weekdays.MON val w2 = Weekdays.WED println(isMonday(w)) println(isMonday(w2)) } }
木曜日, 12月 24, 2015
Scala - akka アクタ
Akka actorのサンプルメモ..
import akka.actor._ /** * Created by neko32 on 2015/12/23. */ sealed abstract trait Message case class Request(a:Int, b:Int, op:Operator) extends Message case class Response(a:Int, b:Int, op:Operator, result:Int) extends Message case class ExecStart(cmd:String) extends Message case class ExecEnd(a:Any) extends Message sealed abstract class Operator(a:Int, b:Int) { def calc():Int } case class Plus(a:Int, b:Int) extends Operator(a,b) { override def calc() = a + b override def toString() = " + " } case class Minus(a:Int, b:Int) extends Operator(a,b) { override def calc() = a - b override def toString() = " - " } case class Multiply(a:Int, b:Int) extends Operator(a,b) { override def calc() = a * b override def toString() = " * " } case class Divide(a:Int, b:Int) extends Operator(a,b) { require(b != 0, "zero divide not allowed") override def calc() = a / b override def toString() = " / " } class CalcWorker extends Actor { override def receive = { case Request(a,b,op) if op.isInstanceOf[Plus] => println("sending.."); sender ! Response(a, b, op, a + b) case Request(a,b,op) if op.isInstanceOf[Minus] => sender ! Response(a, b, op, a - b) case Request(a,b,op) if op.isInstanceOf[Multiply] => sender ! Response(a, b, op, a * b) case Request(a,b,op) if op.isInstanceOf[Divide] => sender ! Response(a, b, op, a / b) case ExecEnd => context.stop(self) } } trait Requester extends Actor with ActorLogging { override def receive = { case Response(a, b, op, rez) => log.info(s"got result from calc agent .. ${a}${op}${b} = ${rez}") case ExecStart(cmd) => run(cmd) case ExecEnd => context.stop(self) case _ => log.info("....") } def run(cmd:String) } class CalcRequester(calcAgent:ActorRef) extends Requester { def toOp(vals:Array[String]):Operator = vals(2) match { case s if s == "plus" => Plus(vals(0).toInt, vals(1).toInt) case s if s == "minus" => Minus(vals(0).toInt, vals(1).toInt) case s if s == "mult" => Multiply(vals(0).toInt, vals(1).toInt) case s if s == "div" => Divide(vals(0).toInt, vals(1).toInt) } override def run(cmd:String) = { // parse a,b assume(cmd.count(_ == ',') == 2) val vals = cmd.toLowerCase().split(",") println("parsed input - " + vals(0) + "," + vals(1) + "," + vals(2)) val res = calcAgent ! Request(vals(0).toInt, vals(1).toInt, toOp(vals)) } } object MyApp { def main(args:Array[String]) = { val sys = ActorSystem("CalcSys") val calcAgent = sys.actorOf(Props[CalcWorker], "CalcAgent") val calcReq = sys.actorOf(Props(new CalcRequester(calcAgent)), "CalcReq") calcReq ! ExecStart("3,8,plus") Thread.sleep(3000) calcReq ! ExecEnd calcAgent ! ExecEnd val f = sys.terminate() } }
水曜日, 12月 23, 2015
Scala - Mixin, traitそしてselfによる型間依存関係の表現
Scalaのmixinとtraitそしてselfアノテーションを利用することにより,Javaと比較してより明快に型間の依存関係を宣言出来る.Javaではミックスインが出来ない為,クラス間の依存関係はあるクラスのprivate or protectedフィールドとして表現されていることがご想像いただけるかと思う.
case class Neko(name:String,pattern:String, age:Int) trait CatManage { self: CatManage with DefNekoCheck => var nekoz:List[Neko] def init():Unit def lookupCat(name:String):Neko } trait DefNekoCheck { def ? (neko:Neko) = neko != null } trait NekoCheck extends DefNekoCheck { override def ? (neko:Neko) = neko.name == "NA" } trait NekozManage extends CatManage with NekoCheck { override var nekoz = List[Neko]() override def init():Unit = { nekoz ::= Neko("Mikeyo", "Mike", 3) nekoz ::= Neko("Tora", "Chatora", 8) nekoz ::= Neko("Powder", "Mike", 8) nekoz ::= Neko("Machiko", "Mike", 10) } override def lookupCat(name:String):Neko = { val n = nekoz find(_.name == name) n.getOrElse(Neko("NA", "NA", -1)) } } trait Act { def start(f: => List[String]) } trait App { self: Act with CatManage => override def start(execPlan: => List[String]) = { init val l = execPlan l.foreach{ name => lookupCat(name) match { case x if x.name == "NA" => println(s"${name} not found..") case x => println(x) } } } }
日曜日, 12月 20, 2015
Scala - visitorパターンのようなもの
ScalaではVisitorパターンを割合簡潔に書くことが出来る.以下の例はあるデータベース上で接続・検索を実行するモジュールで,この例では通常のRDB, HiveそしてインメモリDBをサポートしているとする.また,(乱暴ではあるが簡略のために)RDBとHiveserver2はコネクトとクエリを同一の手順,インメモリはコネクトを必要としないと仮に想定している.
package tanuneko /** * Created by neko32 on 2015/12/20. */ sealed abstract class DB(host:String, userId:String, passwd:String) case class RegularRDB(host:String, userId:String, passwd:String) extends DB(host, userId, passwd) case class InMemoryDB(userId:String, passwd:String) extends DB(null, userId, passwd) case class HiveDB(host:String, userId:String, passwd:String) extends DB(host, userId, passwd) case class ResultSet(data:String) trait DBAction { def connect():Unit = {} def runQuery(str:String):ResultSet } class RegularDBAction(host:String, userId:String, passwd:String) extends DBAction { override def connect(): Unit = { println(s"connecting to ${host} with user[${userId}]") } override def runQuery(sql: String): ResultSet = { println(s"send query[${sql} to Database[${host}]") new ResultSet("returned data.") } } class InMemoryDBAction(userId:String, passwd:String) extends DBAction { override def runQuery(sql: String): ResultSet = { println(s"[inmem] running query[${sql}]") new ResultSet("returned data.") } } object Runner { def main(args:Array[String]):Unit = { val userId = "neko" val passwd = "miPasswd150X" val host = "myhost.org:16500" val sql = "select * from mydb.mytbl" def runQueryAfterConnect = (db:DB) => db match { case r:RegularRDB => { val act = new RegularDBAction(r.host, r.userId, r.passwd) act.connect() println(s"result - ${act.runQuery(sql)}") } case i:InMemoryDB => { val act = new InMemoryDBAction(i.userId, i.passwd) println(s"[inmem] result - ${act.runQuery(sql)}") } case r:HiveDB => { val act = new RegularDBAction(r.host, r.userId, r.passwd) act.connect() println(s"result - ${act.runQuery(sql)}") } } val sybase = new RegularRDB(host, userId, passwd) runQueryAfterConnect(sybase) val inmem = new InMemoryDB(userId, passwd) runQueryAfterConnect(inmem) val hive = new HiveDB(host, userId, passwd) runQueryAfterConnect(hive) } }
月曜日, 12月 14, 2015
scala - tailrecアノテーション
@tailrec def fact(i:BigInt, accm:BigInt):BigInt = { i match { case _ if i == 1 => accm case _ => fact(i - 1, i * accm) } }
火曜日, 12月 01, 2015
この例ではカンマ区切りの名前と点数 の行からなるデータを読み込んで,平均,分散,偏差,標準偏差そして偏差値を計算する.
この例ではカンマ区切りの名前と点数 の行からなるデータを読み込んで,平均,分散,偏差,標準偏差そして偏差値を計算する.
package org.tanuneko; import com.google.common.base.Function; import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.base.Splitter; import com.google.common.collect.Collections2; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.io.Files; import com.google.common.io.LineProcessor; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.List; import java.util.stream.Stream; public class STDDev { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { new STDDev(); } public STDDev() throws IOException { File scoreFile = new File(STDDev.class.getClassLoader().getResource("score.txt").getPath()); ImmutableList<Record> rec = Files.asCharSource(scoreFile, Charset.defaultCharset()) .readLines(new LineProcessor<ImmutableList<Record>>() { List<Record> results = Lists.newArrayList(); @Override public boolean processLine(String line) throws IOException { List<String> elems = Splitter.on(",").splitToList(line); Preconditions.checkState(elems.size() == 2); results.add(new Record(elems.get(0), Integer.parseInt(elems.get(1)))); return true; } @Override public ImmutableList<Record> getResult() { return ImmutableList.copyOf(results); } }); int totalScore = rec.stream().mapToInt(x->x.getScore()).sum(); double avg = totalScore / rec.size(); rec.stream().forEach(x->x.setDev(x.getScore() - avg)); double v = calcVariation(rec); double d = calcStddev(rec); System.out.println("total:" + totalScore + ", avg:" + avg); System.out.println("variation:" + v); System.out.println("stddev:" + d); System.out.println(checkDev(rec)); rec.stream().forEach(x -> { x.setScoreDev(50 + 10 * (x.getDev()/d)); }); System.out.println(rec); } private double calcVariation(ImmutableList<Record> rec) { return rec.stream().mapToDouble(x->x.getDev()) .reduce(0, (x,y)-> x + Math.pow(y, 2)) / rec.size(); } private double calcStddev(ImmutableList<Record> rec) { return Math.sqrt(calcVariation(rec)); } private boolean checkDev(ImmutableList<Record> rec) { double d = rec.stream().mapToDouble(x->x.getDev()) .sum(); System.out.println(d); return d == 0; } } class Record { private String name; private int score; private double dev; private double scoreDev; public Record(String name, int score) { this.name = name; this.score = score; dev = scoreDev = 0d; } public String getName() { return name; } @Override public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this) .add("name", name) .add("score", score) .add("dev", dev) .add("score dev", scoreDev) .toString(); } public int getScore() { return score; } public double getDev() { return dev; } public void setDev(double dev) { this.dev = dev; } public double getScoreDev() { return scoreDev; } public void setScoreDev(double scoreDev) { this.scoreDev = scoreDev; } }
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