火曜日, 12月 29, 2015

scala - ディレクトリのファイル操作


import java.io.File
import java.time.{LocalDateTime, ZoneId}
import java.util.Date

import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils

  * Created by neko32 on 2015/12/28.
class FileDateChanger(preProcessDir:String, postProcessDir:String) {

  implicit def dateToLDate(d:Date):LocalDateTime = {

  def process(): Unit = {
    val files = new File(preProcessDir).listFiles().filter(f => dateToLDate(new Date(f.lastModified())).getYear() == 2007)
    val totalNum = files.size
    var at = 0
    println(s"Total number of files - ${totalNum}")
    files.foreach { f =>
      var dat = new Date(f.lastModified())
      var f2 = new File(postProcessDir + "\\" + f.getName())
      println(s"processing .. ${f.getName()}[${new Date(f.lastModified())}]")
      FileUtils.copyFile(f, f2)
      println(s"to ${new Date(f2.lastModified())}")
      if(at % 10 == 0) println(s"processed ${at}")
      at += 1
    println(s"done. # of processed files [${at}]")

  private def clean(): Unit = {
    println(s"cleaning ${postProcessDir}")
    new File(postProcessDir).listFiles().foreach(_.delete())
    println("cleaning done.")

object Runner {
  def main(args:Array[String]) = {
    val pre = "C:\\tmp\\pre_process"
    val post = "C:\\tmp\\post_process"
    new FileDateChanger(pre, post).process()

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