// read input file separated by comma // suppose this input file consists of 4 cols (tradeid, version, instrument and trader name) val myrdd = sc.textFile("/user/neko32/spark/study1/contract.txt") // transform string to list val lines = myrdd.map(x => x.split(",").toList) // transform line list to tuple val myIn = lines.map(x => (x(0), x(1), x(2), x(3))) // transform line as tupleN to key-val pairs val byKey = myIn.map{case (c,v,i,n) => (c,v) -> (i,n)} // reduce by key val reducedByKey = byKey.reduceByKey{ case (x,y) => (x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2) }
木曜日, 1月 07, 2016
Spark メモ - CSVからkey - non-key ペア変換
HDFS上のCSV風テキストを最終的に主キー - 非キー別タプルに変換する例.
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